Well, It’s the Last Place I’d Look…

  • 1 min read

Bozo criminal for today comes from Portland, Oregon, where bozo Elizabeth Mason wanted to help her daughter who was in jail on identity theft charges. Her daughter had received permission to get a dental problem taken care of and her mother arrived at the clinic ahead of her. In a scene reminiscent of the Godfather, mom taped something to the back of the toilet in the dental office. Only it wasn’t a gun. Instead mom taped a tampon filled with oxycodone to the pot. But apparently she didn’t use very good tape as the tampon had fallen to the floor and was found by the cops before bozo daughter could get to it. But mom still didn’t give up. Officers overheard a phone conversation in which mom said she would try again on daughter’s second trip to the dentist. The cops were waiting for her this time. She’s joined daughter in jail.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cliff Cole

    Too Bad

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